Living History

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Adjusting to life amidst a pandemic



I titled my blog "Work/Life" because I have always found the personal stories of successful people fascinating. The ever-elusive "work-life-balance" doesn't stand on its own without the other adage, "it takes a village," to provide a realistic picture of how someone can seemingly do it all, from career woman to family life. 

I've been quiet on my blog as I adjust to our new normal. What is happening in the world at this very moment? The novel coronavirus pandemic. While working on a pitch for a client early in the year, I quickly realized that the most topical angle consuming more of the media's attention was coronavirus.

As a communications professional that has spent my career pitching media stories, I was monitoring the news waiting for a leader to communicate the public health preparedness plan. My first thought in a crisis is transparency - assure people with honesty, integrity, and in a way that inspires action, not fear. That was not to be the case of how this story has unfolded. I won't get into the details at this point, as most people are aware of the issues. It's hard to make decisions that impact so many without data. By putting my "marketer hat" on, there are always going to be early adopters, and then there will be the laggards. And a true leader will step up and rise to the occasion in service to others. The past couple of months have been a whirlwind of events that will go down in history, and we are currently living it.

So what's life like these days? Some of my upcoming posts may include what I'm doing on the home front to adjust to this new normal, and my support of small businesses, community organizations, and essential services. Life as we know it changed forever with COVID-19, and I hope as a society, we learn and grow from this. Every day can bring worry. To help counterbalance this, I'm trying to spend time in meditation with God and nature, and I'm grateful for my neighborhood and the option to walk around tree-lined streets and take in Springtime blossoms. My schedule is whack, and I need to establish a routine. I've been living in stretch pants and sweats and need some sense of normalcy in this fast-changing, uncomfortable way of life, now known as "social distancing, shelter at homequarantine." 

I follow so many beautiful influencers that are all sharing great tips and ways to adjust to this new normal. We're all in it together, whether we put our lives out there for others to see, or not. Remember that a phone call, text, or handwritten note (sent the old-fashion way by sticking it in your mailbox for the USPS carrier) can go a long way with your friends and family. 

Well Wishes,

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